Monday, March 9, 2015

All You Need to Know About Cellulite Reduction Treatments

Cellulite is a term used for lumpy, dimpled flesh on the hips, thigh, abdomen and buttocks areas. Cellulite is mostly seen in adolescent and adult women. Cellulite isn't a severe medical disorder, but it can be unpleasant. Cellulite can make you self-conscious while wearing shorts or swimsuits. There are many cellulite reduction treatments and cellulite creams that advertise great results but most don't get you what you’re looking for.


There are several cellulite reduction treatments available, but some of the best cellulite treatments will be discussed here. If you want to get rid of the toxins from your body, you should first try to remove them from where they’re being produced, your cells, organs, and tissues. The most effective way to accomplish this is to eat alkaline foods. All fresh vegetables and fruits are alkaline and should make up the better part of your diet. For cellulite reduction, you should consume lots of purified alkaline water and fresh organic vegetables and fruits to keep toxins under control. Water is vital to life and is also essential to decreasing and preventing excess cellulite. Try drinking 1-2 glasses of purified alkaline water every day before you consume anything. If you don’t like drinking water, add a bit of lemon juice or lemon slices to it. Avoid coffee and drink herbal tea instead. If you absolutely must drink coffee, try to make it no more than 1-2 cups per day and consume extra natural vegetable juices and water to help counter its acidity and dehydrating effects. Refined salt is seriously acidic and highly dehydrating, which can remove important minerals from the body. Refined salt only accumulates toxicity in your body, so avoid it completely if your aim is cellulite reduction. Sea and crystal salts however are alkaline, full of useful minerals, and therefore should be used as an alternative to refined salt.

Another thing to help reduce cellulite is moving your body and exercising. When you exercise, you not only help relieve stress and give your body an endorphin rush but you also remove toxins through your sweat.

Skin brushing and massage are also some of the best cellulite treatments today. Skin brushing and massage can specifically target regions of cellulite. Using a skin brush and/or massage over your butt, thigh and other areas with cellulite a few times per week can assist in breaking up fatty deposits and thus decrease that dimpled appearance. It’s better to start with a small amount of time of skin brushing and/or massage, one minute per area should suffice, while gradually increasing over a few weeks to a few minutes per area to prevent skin sensitivity.


The last option would be Sculptor Body. This is a special cosmetic treatment that uses a series of different machines and holistic methods to work on those stubborn cellulite areas. Users have had excellent things to say after using the Sculptor Body treatment and their before and after pictures show a clear improvement in the appearance of their cellulite.


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